Sharing the blooming vision
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Prophets Antwerpen is an advertising agency who combine strategic thinking with creative craftsmanship and an unusually open perspective. The advertising agency from Antwerpen consists of 33 employees.

Prophets en VRT winnen de Prix Europa

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Prophets Antwerpen is an advertising agency who combine strategic thinking with creative craftsmanship and an unusually open perspective. The advertising agency from Antwerpen consists of 33 employees. ”Prophets, digital rooted communication agency creating relevance in a connected world.”

InsightsProphets werft nieuwe medewerkers aan

In het voorjaar van 2013 startten vier nieuwe medewerkers bij Prophets: Lucas Caesens als Creative. Ismael Bellarbi als Digital Project Manager. En Lorenz Vercauteren-Seghers start als Interactive Designer. Eind 2012 startte Kris Van Hauwermeiren als Delivery Manager.

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